Bonsai (pronounced bone-sigh) is an art form similar to painting, music, and sculpture which provides each of us with an opportunity to demonstrate our creative expression and horticultural techniques. Bonsai, translated literally from Japanese, means “tree in a tray”. It can be considered 50% art form and 50% horticulture.
presented by Flamingo Gardens:
Class Schedule: ***
Spring Class Schedule 2025: Feb. 8th, Feb. 15th, Mar. 8th, Mar. 15th, Mar. 29th, Apr. 12th.
Information supplied by the Central Florida Bonsai Club.
Bonsai Book of Days: What happened in Bonsai History, choose your month from the Master Index (information provided by
From our Annual 2024 Broward Bonsai Exhibition.
Bonsai is a life-long process of learning and doing.
Our Bonsai Notes page provides numerous subjects to review with articles and links to other sites.
The Bud Shafer Memorial Bench at the Jim Smith Bonsai Gallery, Heathcote Botanical Gardens. Bench provided by donations from the Broward & Gold Coast Bonsai Societies.